Organization Goals 2016

I’m going to be honest for a minute. My room at home is a disaster. It looks like a bomb went off. I really need to clean it and this year I’m going to.

My biggest problem is that I just have way too much stuff. A lot of it is stuff I don’t need or use. My first plan of action is to get rid of all of the stuff that I never use. If I don’t use it now I’m probably not going to. I’m sure I have a lot of stuff that will end up on Ebay. If I do end up putting things on Ebay I’ll let you all know.

I really think that cleaning up my living area will make me happier and healthier. My room is small to begin with but I really want to rearrange it to give me more space. I have already thought out a couple of ways to do that. If I change the direction my bed it facing it will open up the entire room and I will have a lot more space.

Because I’m in college the stuff in my room is just sitting there collecting dust. I have cleaned a little bit since I’ve been home on break, but since I have allergies I can only do about a half hour at a time before I have a headache and can’t stop sneezing. I want my room finished by the end of my winter break (1/25/16) but if I can only get it half done I will be happy with that as well.

I am actually embarrassed about how messy my room is so I’m not going to post before and after pictures, but I will update you all on if I actually was about to finish cleaning it or not.

Let me know what your organization goals are and what tips you have for getting organized and staying organized! Everything is very appreciated!!! If I end up figuring out some great ways to organize my stuff I will make a post on it!



About music12301

I am an avid reader and writer. I love to blog about just about anything in the world that I think of. My blogs can be completely random or well thought out and planned, but never the less, they are all my own. I also love to sing and act and music is a big part of my life. I played the flute for 6 years and I also played the piccolo when it was needed in band. I recently began learning how to play the oboe and I love it. I plan to go to college for music and theater.
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